Saturday, February 12, 2011

Andersen Fairytales

Author: Hans Christina Andersen

Illustrator: Rachel Isadora

Title: The Little Match Girl

Publisher: Sandcastle

Date: 1990

Reading Level: 1-4

Number of Pages: 30

Genre: Fairytale

Other Anderson fairytales: The Elf of the Rose
                                         What the Moon Saw
                                           The Butterfly

Summary of Plot: The story begins on New Years Eve out on the streets a poor little girl is wander around its cold and dark and she barefoot because she had just lost her shoes because they were to big and when she had tried to run across the street they had fallen of and a boy ran away with them. It was dark but she was afraid to go home because she had not sold enough matches and her father would be angry with her. Cold and alone the little girl cried not knowing what to do. she decides to strike just one match at first just to keep herself warm she imagines a stove that keeps her warm but then the match goes out. Cold she decides to strike another match. This time she imagines a New Years dinner. That match too burns out and so again she strikes a match this time she sees a Christmas tree. the final match she strikes and sees her grandmother in the flames she cries to her grandmother "please take me with you" afraid that her grandmother would vanish just like everything else did. she strikes all the matches so that she couldn't loose her grandmother. The next morning all that was left of the little girl was her body and some burnt-out matches in her hand with a smile on her face. No one knew of her wonderful visions that she had the night before.

Readers Reaction: When I first read this story I was sad that the little girl died. But then you realize that she has gone to heaven to be with her grandmother.

Potential Problems: No problems that I can see.

Recommendations: Read around Christmas time.

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