Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Wonderings Of Odysseus by Rosemary Sutcliff

Author: Rosemary Sutcliff
Illustrator: Alan Lee

Title: The Wanderings of Odysseus

Publisher: Delacorte Press


Reading Level: All ages

Number of Pages: 114

Genre: Traditional Literature myths

Summary of Plot: This book is the story of Odysseus’ travels as he heads home from war at Troy. The book begins at the end of the war of Troy when Odysseus and his men are traveling home. Odysseus does not have an easy ride home and through out the book you go through all of his trials as he gets home. The first trial that he enquires is the Island of the Cyclops where there is a giant with one eye that tries to kill him. He is able to escape and then after a couple more trials he and his men come to the enchantress who ends up turning half of his men in to pigs and he has to convince her to turn them back into humans. Later on he ends up at Calypsos Island and stays there forever when finally she allows him to leave by know he is that only one who is alive from his army. Back home his wife is going to be courted by a tone of suitor and his son is searching for his father. Finally after a lot more trials he gets home but he can’t let his wife and son know who he is until after the competition with the suitors. He ends up winning the competition kills all the suitors and become reunited with his family. The very end there is another war that breaks out and he heads out with his army to go and meet the enemy. 

Your Reaction to the book: I hated this book!!! I thought that it was long and kind of pointless. The author dragged a lot and added a lot of stuff that just didn’t need to be added.

Potential Problems: Problems that are potential would be its long and boring. Really big names that no one really knows how to pronounce

Recommendations: My recommendations would be honestly don’t read it.

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