Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grimm's Fairy Tales

Author: Grimm

Title: Rapunzel

Genre: Fairy Tale

Other Grimm books that I read: The Goose Girl
                                                 The Griffin
                                                 Snow White and Red Rose

Summary of Plot: The story begins with a husband and his wife that life next to a beautiful garden that has rampion rapunzels in it but the garden belong to an enchantress and the husband and wife could not eat the rampions. The wife was with child and would stare out at the rampions and long for them every day. Finally she could not take it any longer and she would die without the rampions, so she sent her husband to go and get some from the garden. He did so and on the second day of getting them the Enchantress caught him. He explained to the Enchantress that if he did not have these rampions then his wife would die. The Enchantress told him that he could take them if he promised her the baby that his wife would have, the husband sacred agreed to this deal. When the baby was born the Enchantress took the baby as her own and named her Rapunzel. When Rapunzel was 12 the Enchantress took her and hid her up in a tower where no one would find her. Rapunzel stayed this way for many years until one day the kings son found her singing he would return every day until he found out how he could get to her. Finally he found out that her hair was the trick  he climbed up to her and the fell in love and got married but there was no way for Rapunzel to get out so he continued to come to her for days bringing her silk for her to make a ladder out of. One day while the Enchantress was there Rapunzel told her of the kings son and the enchantress became very angry and banished her to a desert far away, but before she did she cut off her hair and then tied it to the hook above the window and waited for the kings son to return. When the kings son returned that night he found himself with the Enchantress instead of his beloved wife. Enchantress told him what she had done and he jumped from the tower window and was safe but because of the thorns at the bottom he became blind. The kings son wondered around in misery for several years blind. Meanwhile Rapunzel gave birth to twins until one day while Rapunzel was singing there came a blind man who she recognized as the her husband she cried for him and her tears returned his eye sight and they returned to the kingdom and loved happily ever after.

Readers Reaction: I thought it was a clever little twist on the story its kind of a combination of a lot of different Rapunzel's that I had read before with the healing tears and the Enchantress. But I had never heard of Rapunzel being pregnant that was new and exciting.

Potential Problems: Problems that I see would be evil vs good, marriage after the first day, make deals that are not good to make, witch craft etc.

Recommendations: I like the story so I would probably recommend it to any of my friends or roommates

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