Monday, February 14, 2011

Arthur Babysit by Marc Brown

Author: Marc Brown

Title: Arthur Babysit

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Date: 1994

Reading Level: 4-8

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Fiction Picture book

Summary of Plot:The story begins with D. W. Arthur's sister complaining about the Tibble Twins. Later own as Arthur and D. W. and their baby sister Kate were going on a walk they came up to Mrs. Tibble who looked like she needed some help. They find out that she is in need of a babysitter so Arthur says that he will do it. that night as Arthur was getting ready to leave he was worried that it would be to much for him to handle but with the reassurance from his mom and dad and a crash helmet from D.W. he was set and ready to go and babysit the Tibble Twins. He Walks past his friends on his way to their house and they are all worried for him. He explains to them that if he can babysit his two little sisters then he can babysit anybody and then continued on his way. When he arrives the twins were acting like darlings, but when grandma left they turned into little demons. D.W. calls to give Arthur some advice that doesn't work. the whole night was just messes after messes. Finally Arthur has a plan he decides to tell the twins a story about a monster that will eat them if they don't listen. Right when Arthur was getting to the really scary part the front door opens and Grandmas walks in. Grandma was very pleased with Arthur paid him and sent him on his way home. When he got home D.W. was surprised to see him still alive. Arthur tells her how he is going to be their regular babysitter and sense she knows so much about babysitting he told her she gets to help.

Readers Reaction: Like I said before I loved Arthur the TV show so I loved Arthur the book.

Potential Problems: The kids he babysits are little demons, stories of monsters.

Recommendation: Read to little kids its a fun book that keeps people excited.

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