Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Asbjornsen's Fairy Tale

Author: Asbjornsen

Title: Boots Who Made the Princess Say, That's A Story.

Genre: Fairy Tale

Other Stories by Asbjornsen That I Read: The Giant who had no heart in his body
                                                                 Princess on the Glass Hill

Summary of the Plot: This is a story about a Princess who likes to tell stories and lies and her father wants to find someone for her so he tells the kingdom and the kingdoms surrounding that if there is anyone who can tell a story better then her and get her to say "That's a story" then they can marry her and get half of the kingdom. So prince's come from all over the land trying to tell a story better then the Princess. Three brothers come and the two oldest fail at the task and so the third brother named boots gives it a try. He was successful and after a long story of how his farm is better then hers she finally says "That's a Story" and they get married and live happily ever after.

Readers Reaction: Not going to lie when I first read this fairy tail I was really confused and didn't really understand what I was reading. It was hard to read because of the language.

Potential Problems: Teaches Children it is ok to lie and make up stories. Hard to read because of the language.

Recommendations: Read it to the child, don't let the child read it its hard to understand.

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