Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vampire Baby by Marcia Thornton Jones and Debbie Dadey

Author: Marcia Thorton Jones and Debbie Dadey

Title: Vampire Baby

Publisher: Scholastic Inc.

Date: 1999

Reading Level: 9-12

Number of Pages: 69

Genre: Fiction

Summary of Plot: The story is about three friends named Annie, Jane, and Ben. The three friend lived across the street from a haunted Inn. There is a new visitor at the haunted inn named Bathilda. She is a baby who they all think is a vampire. Throughout the whole book they are trying to figure out if Bathilda was a vampire or not. They later met up with the schools spoiled brat named Carey and her dog named Chewy. The four of them continue to blame all of the problems on Bathilda, until one day they realize that the reason why all of their tires and balls were all flat is because Carey's dog Chewy was chewing on everything and it wasn't Bathilda. What you never find out is if Bathilda is a vampire or not.

Readers Reaction: I thought it was dumb but the people I read it to thought it was funny.

Potential Problems: suspecting people for things without having proof.

Recommendation: For little boys who like mysteries.

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