Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base

Author: Graeme Base
Illustrator: Graeme Base

Title: The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery

Publisher: Abrams Books for Young Readers,

Date: 1988

Reading Level: All ages

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Fiction

Summary of Plot: The story begins with a Elephant named Horace who is turning Eleven years old. Horace decides that he wants to have a birthday party and decides to invite eleven of his friends to his party. After sending out is invitations he goes and makes all of the wonderful desserts and foods that Horace and his friends will be have at this party the next day. The next morning all of the eleven friends show up. They arrive and Horace  leads them to the banquet hall where they see all of the wonderful food that Horace had made for them to eat. But before they could eat they had to play different games. So they played sack-race and musical chairs. Cards and snakes and ladders. Cricket and pool. Bingo and all other kinds of games. Tennis, hidden n’ seek and chess. The last game that they played was tug o’ war. After their game they went back to the banquet room so that they could go and eat their food but when they got there the food was all gone. Who took it? Everyone was blamed but all had an excuse that worked too. But Horace had a back up plan so they went out to the gardens and ate sandwiches. Through out the whole book there are little clues and hits on who stole all the food. After decoding the clue you find out that Kilroy the mouse and his relatives stool all the food.  

Your Reaction to the book: At first I hated it because it made my brain hurt and then after reading it again and figuring out all of the fun stuff that Base has hidden in it, it really is a fun active book that I would recommend to any family.

Potential Problems: I don’t know of any potential problems except for frustration because you can’t figure it out but other then that it’s a problem free book.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to any little boy or girl who loves to figure out mysteries.

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