Monday, February 14, 2011

Junie B. Jones is (almost) A Flower Girl by Barbara Park

Author: Barbara Park

Title: Junie B. Jones is (almost) A Flower Girl

Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers

Date: 1999

Reading Level: 4-8

Number of Pages: 80

Genre: Fiction Chapter Book

Summary of Plot: In this book Junie B's Aunt is getting married and Junie B. is mad because she isn't going to be the flower girl although she really really wants to be. From the very beginning Junie B decides that she is going to be the flower girl even though her aunt doesn't know this. But when she is told that her aunts soon to be sister in law Bo is going to be the Flower girl Junie B gets really upset and tries everything she can to be the flower girl. In the end her aunt tells her that she is the alternate flower girl and that makes Junie B feel a lot better.

Readers Reaction: Like I sad on the other Junie B. Jones book I love Junie B. These stories and the Hank the Cowdog Stories are what got me to like reading books so I loved the book.

Potential Problems: Not Spelled Correctly and Not Grammatically Correct

Recommendation: Give it to those students who don't like to read, they will pick it up and then not be able to put it back down.

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