Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

Author: Shel Silverstein

Illustrator: Shel Silverstein

Publisher: HarperCollins

Date: 1997

Reading Level: 2.9

Number or Pages: 52

Genre: Modern Fable

Summary of Plot: The story is about a Tree and a Boy and the Trees love for the boy. When the boy is little he climbs through her branches and eats her apples and plays games with her. When the boy is a teenager he doesn't want to play and do those things he just wants money so the tree gives him her apples for him to sell. Them the boy is an adult and ready to start a family so the Tree gives him her branches so he can build a house. When the boy is a little older he wants to build a boat so that he can leave for a long time, so she gives him her trunk so he can build a boat. Finally when the boy is old and gray the tree has nothing left to give but all he wants is a place to sit so she lets him sit on her stump witch is all that is left.

Readers Reaction: I love the giving tree. It teaches such a good lesson about giving and never stop giving even when you don't think you have anything left to give.

Potential Problems: It doesn't teach the you to work for what you want, everything is given to the boy he doesn't have to work for anything.

Recommendation: Read it for an FHE activity

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