Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thomas Jefferson by James Cross Giblin

Author: James Cross Giblin

Illustrator: Mechael Doodling

Title: Thomas Jefferson A Picture Book Biography

Publisher: Scholastic

Date: 1994

Reading Level: 9-12

Number of Pages: 48

Genre: Non Fiction/ Biography

Summary of Plot: This book goes through different memories of Thomas Jefferson. Like when he was a little boy and road a horse with one of his fathers slaves. another story is about college and then when he got married and the different places he lived. Finally it tells us about his contributions to the US

Reader Reaction: I thought it was interesting but kind of long. I really liked the illustrations though.

Potential Problems: Nothing its a story about one of our founding fathers I don't see any problems

Recommendation: when learning about Thomas Jefferson either read it to your class or have them read it.

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