Monday, February 14, 2011

Are you My Mother by P.D. Eastman

Author: P.D. Eastman

Title: Are You My Mother?

Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers; 1 edition

Date: 1960

Reading Level: 4-8

Number of Pages: 72

Genre: Fiction picture book

Summary of Plot: This is a book about a baby bird that hatched when its mother was out and about finding food for her babies. The baby bird fell out of the nest and needed to find his mommy, so he went on a quest to find his mom. The problem was is that the baby bird did not know what his mother looked like so he could just walk right up to her. First he went to a kitten and was told that she was not his mother. Then he went to a hen and found out that the hen was not his mother. Next he came to a Dog and the Dog was not his mother either. The baby bird then finds a cow, but the cow was not his mother either. The baby bird starts to get sad and questions if he even has a mother. But he knew in his heart that he had a mother so he ran. He ran past an old car but knew that it was not his mother so he kept running. He then ran to a cliff and when he looked down he could see a boat he called to the boat but the boat just kept on going. He then looked up and say a plane but the plane kept on going too. At last he thinks he has found his mother but really it was a tractor that he calls a snort because of the loud noise that it makes. The snort grabs him and carries him high high high and eventually takes him back to his nest. Where his mother just got back to feed him a worm.

Readers Reaction: I have always thought that this book is so sad until the very end where there is still a happy ending and he becomes reunited with his mother.

Potential Problems: Bird gets lost and talks to strangers.

Recommendation: Read it and Enjoy it.

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