Monday, February 14, 2011

Missing May by Cynthia Rylant

Author: Cynthia Rylant

Title: Missing May

Publisher: Yearling

Date: 1993

Reading Level: 9-12

Number of Pages: 96

Genre: Fiction Chapter book

Summary of Plot: This book is about a little girls struggle to get over the fact that her aunt has died and that she isn't coming back. not only does she have to get over it but she also has to help her uncle Ob get over it too. So with the help of her friend Cletus Underwood they try to contact May so that Ob could move on and be good with everything that is happening. In the end they both find the strenight to move on but still knowing that they are never going to stop loving and missing May.

Readers Reaction: I thought the book kind of was really long and it dragged. I had a really hard time getting into it.

Potential Problems: Talking to Spirits,

Recommendation: I honestly would have a hard time recommending this book to anyone because I really didn't like it all that much.

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