Friday, February 4, 2011

Milk and Cookies by Frank Asch

Author: Frank Asch

Title: Milk and Cookies

Publisher: Parents Magazine Press

Date: 1982

Reading Level: 4-8

Number of Pages: 36

Genre: Fiction
Picture book

Summary of Plot: The story is about a little bear named Baby Bear. Baby Bear and his family went to go and spend the night at grandmas and grandpa bears house. In the middle of the night Baby Bear gets woken up by a strange noise and a red light coming from under the cellar door. So of course like all little boys are he was curious and wanted to see what it was so he peeked through the key hole and could see grandpa feeding a dragon. While he was peeking on Grandpa and the dragon, Grandpa came up and notice that Baby Bear was out of bed. Grandpa asks if he is ok and then offers Baby Bear a glass of milk and some cookies Baby Bear says no and then goes back to sleep. Later that night Baby Bear dreams about the cellar door opening and the dragon coming up stairs. When the dragon complains to Baby Bear that he is hungry Baby Bear gives him some milk and cookies in fact he at all of the cookies and drank all of the milk. Baby Bear then wakes up crying. Because Baby Bear was crying it woke up Mama and Papa and Baby Bear explains what happened in his dream. He explains how he saw Grandpa feeding the Dragon and then the dream that happened next. Papa Bear then takes Baby Bear down to the Cellar to show that it wasn't a Dragon but instead it was a wood stove. By now Grandpa and Grandma have woken up and they all of milk and cookies.

Reader Reaction: This book I actually got from my own library of books at home. It was a book that my mom use to read to my brothers and I before we would go to bed so to me it is a classic. I love this book. I love how even if Baby Bear is scared he can still go to his parents and talk to them about it. Its just a great book.

Potential Problems: Nightmares maybe but that's all I could see as a problem.

Recommendation: Read to children that are having nightmares so that they can see that it is ok to come and talk to someone about it

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