Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's Not Easy Being A Bunny by Merilyn Sadler

Author: Merilyn Sadler

Illustrator: Roger Bollen

Publisher: Beginner Books  A Division of Random House Inc.

Date: 1983

Reading Level: 4-8

Number of Pages: 48

Genre: Fiction Picture Book

Summary of Plot: The story is about how a bunny named P.J. Funnybunny who didn't want to be a bunny anymore. He was sick of eating carrots and having so many brothers an sisters, but most of all he was sick of his really big ears. So P.J. decided to leave home, he wanted to become something else. He went to go live with the bears, but then when it came to winter time he couldn't sleep as long as them. He then went to go and live with the birds, but realized that he can't fly. He then decided that if he couldn't be any of those that he would be a beaver but then soon realized that he didn't like to work as hard as the beavers did so he left. Pig was the next animal that he tried to be but they were to messy. He then tried to be a moose but he couldn't be as loud as a moose so he tried to be a possum but hanging upside down gave him a headache so he left. P.J. then tried to be a skunk but they were too smelly. Now P.J. knew what he wanted to be and that was a BUNNY!!! so he went home and ate all of his carrots and played with all of his brothers and sisters and never worried about his big ears again.

Readers Reaction: I thought this book was really funny and fun to read its funny how many books I read growing up were about being yourself and not letting others influence you.

Potential Problems: being afraid of being yourself.

Recommendation: Read to kids who are struggling with self worth and self esteem

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